Teaching & learning are continually evolving, pandemic or no. As as you retool for next semester check out these resources.
Association of Theological Schools Resources | Inside Higher Ed | The Wabash Center | In Trust |
My Top 6 Books on Pedagogy | 99 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators
Continuous Improvement in Schools in the COVID-19 Context | Six Core Principles of Improvement
Church Documents for Priestly Formation & Education
The Gift of the Priestly Vocation - Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
For more information, eligibility requirements and application information, visit our webpage:
2020-2021 Teaching and Learning Workshop
The Chronicle of Higher Education offers daily articles, tips, and webinars on myriad issues in higher education. Check out the issues your colleagues are also thinking about.
The Quick Tip (Tuesday & Thursday) Beth McMurtrie and Beckie Supiano, our teaching-and-learning experts, give you insights on what works in the classroom.
The Edge (Wednesday) Higher ed is changing. Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer and Chronicle veteran, connects you with the people, trends, and ideas that are reshaping it.
Teaching and Learning More articles about teaching and learning.
Virtual Events Diversity & Inclusion, Faculty Resilience, Leadership, Student Success in a Time of Remote Learning, and much more. Many are On Demand.