On Wednesday, October 7th, we will be participating in the fall faculty colloquium from 2:45-4:00. Our country, and in some ways our world, have faced crises centering around two sicknesses this summer: the CoVID virus and racism. The colloquium has been structured to discuss the second of those. At the event, Fr. Javier Bustos and Dr. Jeremy Blackwood will lead a conversation drawing on the experiences of two speakers: Fr. Michael Bertram from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish in Milwaukee, who will speak about his encounters with racism in his ministry experience in a multicultural parish, and Wilbert Colas, seminarian from the Diocese of El Paso, who will speak about his experiences both outside and inside the seminary
After their presentations, the faculty will engage in a dialogue with the goal of learning from these two speakers’ experiences and identifying areas in which we can grow and ways in which we might do that. In order for us to have a common horizon and lexicon for the discussion, we are asking that everyone read the USCCB’s pastoral letter “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love.” The event will be held via Zoom, and a link will be sent at a later point. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.
Dr. Jeremy W. Blackwood
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology | Director of Admissions