Kathy Harty, Research and Technology Librarian
You can now use Populi to schedule Zoom meetings for your classes, in case you have to pivot to an online version of your course. It’s easy to schedule them ahead of time; here’s a link to instructions from Populi ( https://support.populiweb.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044710834). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Use the DASHBOARD page and the Bulletin Board feature in Populi to post news and updates for your class. The advantage is that students will not have to find an email, they can just go directly to their course page.
Please let the library staff know what books you would like on your reserve shelf for fall. We are happy to purchase books if you don't see something in our collection. The fall semester is approaching, help us prepare.
Online 2.0 : How to lead a large-scale transformation of learning.
This recent report from the Chronicle of Higher Education is posted on the P:// drive. A story about the results of spring term transitions can be found here: https://www-chronicle-com.shsst.idm.oclc.org/article/In-Their-Own-Words-Here-s/248989