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Faculty Tool Kit

Course Textbooks

You will be notified by either Shannon McKeown or Amy Jurgens when it's time to enter your textbook list.

  • Textbook ordering and sales are now handled by Follett. The url is:
  • If you are interested in a desk copy, you will need to contact the publisher directly, online.
  • If you have questions, please contact either Shannon or Amy

Course Syllabus Template

Use this template to create your course's syllabus. It's located in TEAMS-->Faculty Resources-->Instructional Instruments

Syllabus Template 


Course Reserves

Print reserves

  • A list with complete citations is helpful before school starts
  • Default check-out period is 3 days; you may request other options (1, 7, 30 days, or non-circulating).
  • Shelves are arranged alphabetically according to instructor
  • These are located on the shelves outside the library office  

E-reserves are accessed through Populi.

  • Follow Copyright guidelines
  • If you are posting scans of chapters from books, include the title and copyright pages, and provide a full citation in your syllabus.
  • Use permanent links for online journal articles (we can help you find these), not necessarily the url in the address bar.
  • Copyright decision tree

PowerPoint Template

If you are interested in creating PowerPoint presentations that have quizzes embedded in them, here is the link to Edpuzzle. This feature does not talk to Populi but provides a report of how the students did. Please note that the professor and the students will need an Edpuzzle account.

Here's an example from Stream.