Catechism of the Catholic Church. Part Four: Christian Prayer.
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the traditional process of lectio divina with reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation, focused on the Gospel for each Sunday and major feast day.
Baker, Bishop Robert J. The Questioner’s Prayer. (Our Sunday Visitor, 2007)
de Caussaude, Jean-Pierre, S.J. Abandonment to Divine Providence. (Ignatius, 2011)
Dubay, Thomas, S.M. Deep Conversion/Deep Prayer. (Ignatius, 2006)
Dubay, Thomas, S.M. Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within. (Ignatius, 2002)
Gregoris, Rev. Nicholas L. (Translator, Commentator) Mensis Eucharisticus: A Month of Eucharistic Devotions for Priests. (Newman House Press, 2012)
Groeschel, Fr. Benedict J., C.F.R. Praying in the Presence of our Lord: Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration. (Our Sunday Visitor, 1999)
Guardini, Romano. The Lord’s Prayer: Understanding the 55-Word Catechism Jesus Gave Us. (Sophia Institute Press)
Kreeft, Peter. Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal’s Pensées Edited, Outlined, and Explained. (Ignatius, 1993)
Kreeft, Peter. How to Be Holy: First Steps in Becoming a Saint. A Festooning of Abandonment to Divine Providence. (Ignatius, 2016)
Kreeft, Peter. Prayer for Beginners. (Ignatius, 2000)
Kreeft, Peter. “10 Lies of Contemporary Culture” (Commencement Address at Franciscan University, 2022)
Landry, Fr. Roger J. Plan of Life: Habits to Help You Grow Closer to God. (Pauline, 2018)
Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo. Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word: Meditations on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. 4 Volumes. (Ignatius, 1996-2021)
Lehodey, Rt. Rev. Dom Vitalis, O.C.R. The Ways of Mental Prayer. (TAN Books, 2012)
Louis of Granada, Ven. The Sinner’s Guide. (TAN Books, 2014)
Martin, Ralph. The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints. (Emmaus Road, 2006)
McCaffrey, Eugene, O.C.D. Patterns of Prayer. (Paulist, 2003)
Nault, Jean-Charles, O.S.B. The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times. (Ignatius, 2015)
Philippe, Fr. Jacques. Nine Days to Rediscover the Joy of Prayer. (Scepter, 2018)
Philippe, Fr. Jacques, with Anne of Jesus. Prayer: Oxygen for the Soul. (Scepter 2024)
Philippe, Fr. Jacques. Time for God: A Guide to Mental Prayer. (Scepter, 2008)
Philippe, Fr. Jacques. Thirsting for Prayer. 2014
Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph. The Yes of Jesus Christ: Spiritual Exercises in Faith, Hope, and Love. (Crossroad, 1991)
Sarah, Robert Cardinal, with Nicolas Diat. The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise. (Ignatius, 2017)
Welborn, Amy. Prayer. Prove It! Series. (Our Sunday Visitor, 2002)