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Populi for Faculty

General information for faculty training on Populi

Lessons Screen

Lessons Overview

Populi Tutorial on Lessons

Lessons are collections of course materials—assignments, discussions, links, files, and "lecture" notes—that cover a particular section of your course curriculum. This section includes an HTML-capable content editor that lets you include text, images, and streaming audio/video. You can make your lessons available for the entirety of your course, or you can limit their availability to particular date ranges.

Designing lessons

To start designing your lesson, click its name in the lessons list. Then, click the Design view.

Adding materials to your lesson

Start by clicking the Add link for the material you wish to put in the lesson.


Headings are simply a line of text introducing a section of the lesson.



Content is the meat of the lesson—the text and media by which you wish to convey the lesson. Content blocks include a text editor that lets you do the following:

  • In the text editor window, enter your notes by typing or copy-pasting from another document or website (copy-pasting will probably alter the original formatting).
  • Within the text editor, you can change the text size, add headings, some light formatting, create numbered or bulleted lists, and link to other sites.
  • Embed media hosted by Populi by copying the EMBED code from one of your media files (see "Files", below). You can also click the Upload image symbol to include a picture.
  • Check out the different ways you can embed audio, video, images, et. al. in your lesson.

Renaming Files

You will likely want to rename the files you add to Populi so that they make sense to students.  For example, you might name your syllabus "LS610 Sp2017 Sched Final" or have a PowerPoint  "DT530 Lesson 4 topics".  For your students' sake, you'd like to rename them Syllabus - Preaching the Word or Anderson's Theory of Mission Presentation.

Once a file has been uploaded:

  • Click to open a preview window of the file. This works for most media files and PDFs; it doesn't necessarily work for all file types!
  • Rename it by changing the file name.
  • Check to hide (or un-hide) the file from your students.
  • Click on "Save"