Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary - A six-volume dictionary of the Bible offering an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects and topics. Call number: REF 220.03 An21 This is also available online through the library catalog.
Berit Olam - Catholic commentary series published by Liturgical Press, focusing on the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), which uses the literary-critical method of scripture study. "The authors approach the books of the Hebrew Bible as literary works, recognizing that the stories and poetry can be better appreciated if one is acquainted with the techniques whereby the ancient Hebrew authors told stories and wrote poems, as well as the strategies that modern readers use to understand them." (from the publisher's website) Reference set call number: REF 221.32 B444
Sacra Pagina - Also from Liturgical Press, focusing on the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). It "presents fresh translations and modern expositions of all the books of the New Testament by an international group of Catholic Biblical scholars. The authors use a variety of critical methodologies while maintaining the context of the Catholic interpretive tradition." (publisher's website) Reference set call number: REF 225.32 Sa14
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary - This new commentary series is "designed to make quality Bible study more accessible. Pastors, professors and students of Scripture are discovering that this commentary is a wonderful new tool for enhancing interpretation. All volumes include ... insightful sidebars in four categories and a wealth of fine art visuals." (publisher's website) Reference set call number: REF 221.32 Sm96 (Old Testament) and REF 225.32 Sm96 (New Testament)
Yale Anchor Bible Commentaries - is a multi-volume work of international and interfaith scholars, Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant. Each author contributes an individual volume in the series. "It aims to present the best contemporary scholarship in a way that is accessible not only to scholars but also to the educated nonspecialist. Its approach is grounded in exact translation of the ancient languages and an appreciation of the historical and cultural context in which the biblical books were written supplemented by insights from modern methods, such as sociological and literary criticism." (from the publisher's website) Arranged in three sections (Hebrew, Apocalyptic, and Christian scriptures). Reference set call numbers: REF 221.32 An21 (Old Testament and Apocrypha) and REF 225.32 An21 (New Testament)