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Populi for Faculty

General information for faculty training on Populi

Roster Screen

Roster Basics

The Roster lists all the students associated with the course section together with some basic enrollment information (credits/hours, attendance, etc.).

  • Students shows those who are registered in the course (including enrolled, auditing, withdrawn, and incomplete students).
  • Waiting List shows those waiting to be enrolled in the course if the maximum enrollment number has already been met.
  • Click the student's name to go to their course summary, which collects assignment, attendance, and other data about how the student is performing in that course.
  • Status shows the students' enrollment status.
  • P/F indicates whether the student is taking this course as Pass/Fail, if applicable.
  • Attendance and Grade summarize the student's performance in the course. Please note that the grade default is F, until grades are added.
  • Roster Notes are general comments and notes about individual students. They are visible to Academic Admins, Registrars, and course Faculty and Teaching Assistants. They are not visible to students. These notes will be available to faculty when determining the student's final grade.

Email Students & Export Roster

Use the Actions button to email your students or export them to a spreadsheet or print a PDF.


Click Actions and select what you'd like to do:

  • Email this section or—for courses with multiple sections—Email all sections.
  • Export this section or—for courses with multiple sections—Export all sections; this creates a spreadsheet of the students you're exporting.
  • Export roster PDF: This creates a PDF of the entire roster for this section; check box if you want to include photos.

Selected students

You can select specific students from the Roster and Email or Export those you've selected. Here are a couple ways to select different groups of students:

  • Simply check the students you want to work with, one by one.
  • Check individual students or click Check all.

Populi tutorial on rosters

Emailing Students in Your Class

Emailing all students in one course or section

You have a few options for emailing all the students in one of your sections or courses.


On the course Dashboard tab, click Email this section to email all enrolled, incomplete, and auditing students in this section of the course.


Selected Students on a Roster

On the course Roster, click Actions and select from your options:

  • You can email students in this section
  • If you check student names in the Roster, you can email selected students


Emailing any individual student

To email an individual student:

  1. Go to their profile; you can do this by clicking their name wherever you see it (say, on the Roster) or by entering their name in the search bar
  2. Under their picture, click Send Email.

You can do this for any of your current students. However, if a student is not enrolled in or auditing one of your courses, you can only email him if his email address is set to Public.
